Map of the area containg image map links to detailed information: all of the links are also available from the text links elsewhere on the page La Junta refugio El Arco refugio and natural bridge Junction of two rivers and two paths Lakes in the rainforest
part u Section 5: Click on the "i"s above for information and photos of the route. part w

v. Junction of two rivers and two paths

Rainforest walking
Camping at the path junction, east side of the riverThe extended descent from the lakes leads to a fast flowing, but fairly narrow river. Around here, on the opposite bank, there's a sign to Lago Vidal ( pictured below ) with a log crossing very nearby. The log is difficult to reach without going through the river as it is down a 3' drop, a long way with full packs on. If you have difficulty finding the sign, put your packs down and scout, the main path restarts just past the sign on the opposite bank. It is clear that the path is a main one as it is well worn by horses taking the Rio de los Morros route to the east of this route. Rejoin the path heading north west. From here the path becomes increasingly muddy; this is roughly the half-way mark of the path through the virgin rainforest area.
Path Junction GPS co-ordinates
S 41°25.652'
W 72°01.539'
Lago Vidal sign