Map of the area containg image map links to detailed information: all of the links are also available from the text links elsewhere on the page La Junta refugio El Arco refugio and natural bridge Junction of two rivers and two paths Lakes in the rainforest
part t Section 5: Click on the "i"s above for information and photos of the route. part v

u. Lakes in the rainforest

Dana next to a large rainforest tree

The steep hike out of Lago Vidal Gormaz eventually tops out and then descends just as steeply, down to a lake ( pictured below ). The path is easy to follow through here and the various routes that split off are short term splits to avoid what must be horrendous mud pools at other times of year. The area is typified by the type of tree pictured left. The first lake that appears is not the main one referred to on the map but a smaller one about 20 minutes walk away. The path doesn't touch the first lake, but it is possible to make your way to the shore. At the second lake, the one shown on and described by the map, the path leads onto the sandy shore and then heads left ( west ) along the shore for a few hundred metres before heading back into the forest. This is quite different to the map as shown above. From here the path climbs a little to round the lake and over the pass, then the descent starts in earnest, taking you past one more small lake.

Small lake in the rainforest