Silhouette of a woman in Manapiare resting in an arched doorway.  Fires burning in the rainforest of Venezuela.  Children playing in bongos.  Marco swimming with dolphins in the fresh water, inland river.
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The plane ride to Manapiare gave us stunning views of the region, including jagged mountains and large fires in the rainforest. The heat was less intense than it had been down in Puerto Ayacucho, but it was still hot in the middle of the day. When we entered the guesthouse in Manapiare the woman who was sweeping stopped to take a break in the arched doorway. Children played in the river near their mothers who were washing clothes in the river. A few of them paddled dugout canoes, known as bongos, to fish and explore along the shores where the current was weak. Marco walked out to the center of the river and called the dolphins with a warbling sing-song tune and rythmic tapping on a wooden bongo. They responded quickly, brushing between our legs as they swam between us playing (lower right photo).